
Thesaunderschild. Potato.

" I hate having to wear glasses. Sometimes they make you look spunky, but not always. They get dirty a lot, and I can't get those stupid contact discs in my eyes so I don't have any other option. And I've got big teeth as well. Bah. "

Thesaunderschild. Potato.

 " My cameo in some indie movie... I wear glasses, so can you spot me sitting down? "

Thesaunderschild. Potato.

  "I was considering becoming a father by donating my sperm, because at my age, my chances of having a lady companion are diminishing. I am the only one in my family who doesn't have any kids."

Thesaunderschild. Potato.

 Need a wee break from the usual grind. Looking for somewhere to stay.

Thesaunderschild. Potato.

  " It has gotten to the point where my sex drive is just depleting. I still feel like going ahead with it sometimes, but they don't care about you one bit "

Thesaunderschild. Potato

 " I disagree that I have a strong hatred towards women. It is just that they behave in a very arrogant way that offends me for some reason. If it was not for that pompous nature of theirs, I cannot say I truly dislike females otherwise. "

Thesaunderschild. Potato.

 " I can admit to smelling bad.... It is like we are degenerating as a species.  But I guess it is just myself that is the problem, perhaps.  Maybe. Fill me in here. I give up. "

Thesaunderschild. Potato

  " Nobody responds to me on X or AW except to gripe about something. Oh well. Time for a ham shank. "

Thesaunderschild. Potato.

 " In January, I fell up the road and lost my glasses. I could have seriously hurt myself as I smashed my head on the pavement. Luckily there is a large volume of empty space around my tiny brain, so it wasn't affected. "

Thesaunderschild. Potato.

 " I am the user usually known as thesaunderschild online. If you see anyone pretending to be me, report them, and ignore them. It's a troll... "